Uwe Marx

TissUse GmbH & Technische Universitaet Berlin, Germany

Uwe Marx is a physician by training. He received his doctorate degree from the Charité in Berlin, Germany and is the founder and Chief Scientific Officer of TissUse a Berlin based company founded in 2010. Dr. Marx was appointed an Honorary Professor of Medical Biotechnology at the Technische Universität Berlin in 2022. Along his 35-year academic carrier at the Charite Berlin, the University of Leipzig and the Technische Universität Berlin he always focussed on the invention and implementation of innovative biopharmaceutical products and technology platforms. Immunotoxins, human monoclonal antibodies, stem cell transplants and human tissue engineering platforms resulted from his developmental work and have been secured by 30 patent families with several hundred granted patents in place. Dr. Marx published several book chapters and more than 150 peer reviewed papers. He founded numerous German biotech companies, among them ProBioGen and VITA34.  Furthermore, he served as a reviewer for various German governmental biotech programmes. Since 1991 Dr Marx is engineering human multi-organ bioreactors and since 2010 miniaturized human multi-organ-chip systems in collaboration with the Technische Universität Berlin. As a scientist Dr. Marx has developed the theoretical background of the organismoid theory – a concept and its principles to generate miniature mindless and emotion-free equivalents of a human individual´s body on chips. The Russel and Burch award has been awarded to Dr. Marx by the Humane Society of the United States in Sep 2021. Dr. Marx hosted the two stakeholder CAAT-workshops of the MPS-community in 2015 and in 2019 in Berlin.