Program At Glance

2023 Satellite Meetings
Fri., June 23-Sat., June 24 | 9:30am-5:30pm CET | CAAT t4 Workshop: Biology-Inspired Microphysiological System Approaches to Advance Patient Benefit and Animal Welfare (by invitation only)
Sun., June 25 | 1:30pm-4:30pm CET | µSiM Workshop: The Modular µSiM as a Platform for Tissue Chip Development
Mon., June 26 | 9:00am-12:00pm CET | ECVAM workshop: Heads on! Designing a qualification framework for Organ-on-Chip (by invitation only)
Participants who marked that they were interested in attending will be invited by the meeting organizers.
Mon., June 26 | 9:00am-1:15pm CET | EUROoCS Academy
Register for the EUROoCS-ACADEMY with lectures on basics and advanced knowledge of Microphysiological Systems and Organ-on-Chips. Free of charge!
Mon., June 26 | 10:00am-3:30pm CET | Workshop hosted by imec: The blood brain barrier: challenges & opportunities for in vitro models (by invitation only)
Mon., June 26 | 12:15pm-1:45pm CET | FG Standards for Organ-on-Chip
Mon., June 26 | 1:00pm-4:30pm CET | Educational Workshop – SOLD OUT
More information coming soon!
Mon., June 26 | 1:30pm-4:30pm CET | 22nd NIH/NCATS Tissue Chip Consortium