MPS World Summit 2022

May 30 – June 3, 2022 | Hilton New Orleans Riverside, New Orleans, USA


Donald Ingber

Wyss Institute, Harvard University, United States

Suzanne Fitzpatrick

Food and Drug Administration (FDA, United States)

Thomas Hartung

Johns Hopkins University Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing (CAAT), United States)

Keynote Speakers

Danilo Tagle, NIH/NCATS


Tuesday, May 31, 5:10 PM CT

Gilda Barabino, Olin College for Engineering

Welcome Speech

Tuesday, May 31, 5:30 PM CT

Donald E. Ingber, Wyss Institute, Harvard University

Human Organ Chips: Clinical Mimicry in Preclinical Models

Tuesday, May 31, 6:10 PM CT

Michael Shuler, Hesperos Inc.

Body-on-a-Chip: The Potential to Transform Drug Development

Wednesday, June 1, 9:00 AM CT

Linda Griffith, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Deconstructing and Reconstructing the Patient

Friday, June 2, 8:00 AM CT