Call for Abstract Submission

Late-Breaking Abstracts Open—Deadline May 1, 2025

Late-breaking abstract submissions are now open! These submissions will be open until Thursday, May 1, 2025. If you missed the deadline for the first round of abstracts, now is your chance to submit your research for poster presentation at the MPS World Summit! Please note, these submissions will not be sent for review and will be accepted only as posters.

Microphysiological System (MPS):
cell culture systems replicating (patho-) physiology through engineered organ architecture and functionality. This includes especially 3D-(co-)cultures such as organoids, organ-on-chip models, and multi-organ models, as well as the technologies to engineer and analyze these systems.

Abstracts are invited on the topic of new developments in MPS and applications of MPS, which are divided into four themes.

  • Theme 1: MPS Development and Results Processing
  • Theme 2: MPS for Biomedical Research and Disease Modelling
  • Theme 3: MPS for Efficacy, ADME, and Toxicity Testing
  • Theme 4: MPS for Industrial and Regulatory Testing

Top-scored abstracts will be selected for an oral presentation at one of the scientific sessions.

Abstract Submission Guidelines

  • All abstracts will be evaluated and selected for oral or poster presentation by the MPS Scientific Advisory Committee
  • Abstracts must be in English and no more than 350 words (references included; title, authors excluded)
  • Figures, tables, and attachments are not permitted
  • Make sure to select your preferred theme and session
  • Only one abstract is allowed for one presenting author
  • All presenters must be registered for the conference, if accepted

More Details on Abstract Formatting

  • Provide title in normal font (not CAPITALIZED, without initial capitalization)
  • Provide full first and last names of all authors; abbreviate middle names (e.g., Peter R. S. Parker)
  • Provide affiliations for each author. 
  • Include no more than three references and cite them in the text [1], [2]. 
    Format references as follows:
    Authors (Year). Publication name Volume, Pages. doi: 
    Borotkanics, R. Trush, M. and Locke P. (2015). Appl In Vitro Toxicol 1, 262-275. doi:10.1089/aivt.2014.0006
    e.g. (4 or more authors) Kasai, T., Umeda, Y., Ohnishi, M et al. (2015). Nanotoxicology 9, 413-422. doi:10.3106/17435390.2014.933903
  • Acknowledgements, disclaimers or funding information may be included at the end of the abstract after a line break.

Address your questions to: [email protected]